
Saturday Sep 13, 2014
Lord it Over
Saturday Sep 13, 2014
Saturday Sep 13, 2014

Friday Sep 12, 2014
Eternal Life
Friday Sep 12, 2014
Friday Sep 12, 2014
Sunday August 31, 2014 Mark 10:17-31 The story of the rich young ruler is one we know well, very well, so well it probably doesn’t challenge us any more. Do we spend more time trying to get our camel through the eye of the needle, or putting money in it’s place?

Wednesday Sep 10, 2014
Least & Greatest
Wednesday Sep 10, 2014
Wednesday Sep 10, 2014
Sunday August 17, 2014 Mark 9:33-50 Who is the greatest? How do you get ahead in the Jesus industry? Jesus gave an answer no one expected - at all. This was a sermon done appropriately with the kids, but only begins to unpack this powerful passage!

Tuesday Sep 09, 2014
Tuesday Sep 09, 2014
Tuesday Sep 09, 2014
Sunday August 24, 2014 Mark 10:1-16 How do you preach on a topic you have no first hand experience of, when 40% of your congregation do? 'This was your best sermon yet, very powerful.' Covering this important topic, that some had said they had never heard preached on, I think this is a sermon you must listen to.

Tuesday Sep 09, 2014
Belief and Unbelief
Tuesday Sep 09, 2014
Tuesday Sep 09, 2014
When Jesus comes down from the glorious mount of transfiguration, he is immediately confronted with the inglorious messiness of real life. The disciples can't heal someone and an argument begins. This is a powerful passage, with powerful words, - Everything is possible for him who believes - [really?] - I do believe, help my unbelief! A great sermon on belief, prayer and fasting.

Thursday Aug 07, 2014
Transfiguration - Take up your cross
Thursday Aug 07, 2014
Thursday Aug 07, 2014
Mark 8:34-9:13 [and Mark 8:1-33] are the middle and pinnacle stories in the Gospel of Mark. They are where the story peaks with the mountain experience, then turns, ominously, to the cross! In the first half of the gospel Jesus identity has been revealed through miracle and parable, in the second half Jesus confronts us directly with his radical message - to change the world, to change history, but proclaiming a message of servanthood, then living and dying it, on the cross! You must hear this message.

Monday Jul 28, 2014
Who do you say I am?
Monday Jul 28, 2014
Monday Jul 28, 2014
A pivotal moment in the Gospel of Mark. Jesus asks his disciples, 'Who do you say I am?' Finally their eyes are open - or are they? Now that one secret is out of the bag, Jesus lets them in on another one.

Monday Jul 28, 2014
The Syrophoenician Woman
Monday Jul 28, 2014
Monday Jul 28, 2014
Greg Brown brings an excellent and challenging reflection on possibly the hardest passage in the Gospel of Mark - when Jesus calls the Syrophoenician woman a dog, and she bests him!

Sunday Jul 06, 2014
Clean and unclean
Sunday Jul 06, 2014
Sunday Jul 06, 2014
Eric Lawson takes us on a journey with Jesus' challenge about what makes us clean or unclean.

Monday Jun 30, 2014
Water Walking
Monday Jun 30, 2014
Monday Jun 30, 2014
Why does Jesus walk on water. What is that all about? Why do we say, 'keep your eyes on Jesus and walk on water' when no one else has walked on water [except Peter for a moment.] Why do some want to explain how Jesus could have done it. Is this even more than either of those responses?

Monday Jun 30, 2014
Behead the Baptist
Monday Jun 30, 2014
Monday Jun 30, 2014
Im Mark's gospel Jesus sends out the twelve on mission, then we come across what at first, can seem like an interesting but irrelevant interlude. Not something you would choose to preach on. But how John the Baptist dies is put here for some very challenging reasons.

Sunday Jun 15, 2014
No Home town Hero
Sunday Jun 15, 2014
Sunday Jun 15, 2014
In today's powerful message we contrast the story of Jarius' daughter, the healing of the widow who bleed for 12 years; where Jesus displays all the signs of being a 'divine man' with his homecoming, where Jesus can hardly do anything; and does not look like a son of God. What is the difference? And what amazing thing does this reveal about God?

Sunday Jun 15, 2014
Compassion/Mission Sunday
Sunday Jun 15, 2014
Sunday Jun 15, 2014
Mark Millard challenges us on how being Marked should make a difference.

Sunday May 25, 2014
Storm in a Man, Legion
Sunday May 25, 2014
Sunday May 25, 2014
This is an important message. Jesus meets Legion, Mark 5:1-20. It covers Demons, mental illness and other topics that left Redcliffe Uniting people talking, and praying. Also a skit at http://youtu.be/Hcwz1a38jns

Monday May 19, 2014
Calming the Storm
Monday May 19, 2014
Monday May 19, 2014
Here is a powerful reflection on Jesus calming the storm. Will Jesus stop every storm in our lives? I don't think so! But he has done something even better.