
Sunday May 04, 2014
Sow and See
Sunday May 04, 2014
Sunday May 04, 2014
The Parable of the Sower, Mark 4:1-20! This message looks at two things - How do you proclaim the Good News to outsiders? [or as the Disciples ask, 'Why do you use Parables?']. And then, where are we at in terms of our soil?? I think this is perhaps the most important message I have ever preached on evangelism. Paul Clark.

Sunday Apr 27, 2014
Mad, Bad or God
Sunday Apr 27, 2014
Sunday Apr 27, 2014
Dangerous, Daft or Devine, Lunatic, Liar or Lord. CS Lewis' Trilemma is not just a theoretical argument, but a reality of how people were responding to Jesus. Today's reading [Mark 3:20-35] shows Jesus' family concluding he is mad, and the religious elite that he was bad. The conclusion that he was God was just so beyond their comprehension - understandably! What does Jesus' life say to you? What is your conclusion? Follow the Link to a skit performed before this sermon... http://youtu.be/qKQJnx4Mnqg

Sunday Apr 20, 2014
The Last Centurion
Sunday Apr 20, 2014
Sunday Apr 20, 2014
The Last Centurion to see Jesus alive, reflects on his involvement in the crucifixion of Jesus, and what lead his to confess, 'Surely this man was the Son of God!' Easter Sunday 2014 - Paul Clark

Friday Apr 18, 2014
Crowds, Palm Sunday, Sun of Man
Friday Apr 18, 2014
Friday Apr 18, 2014
Two stories of Crowds. From Mark 3 - the crowds who overwhelm Jesus, and the Palm Sunday crowd [Mark 11:1-11] who celebrate, but then turn. Crowd surround Jesus! But how is it that someone called the 'Son of God' could be intimidated by a crowd? Could his other title - Son of Man - have anything to do with it? Paul Clark, April 13, 2014.

Friday Apr 18, 2014
New Wine
Friday Apr 18, 2014
Friday Apr 18, 2014
Mark 2:18-3:6 has a heap of stuff in it. New wine for new times, understanding the sabbath, rules religion - but it is easy to miss the most profound part of the reading. Who is this man that he calls himself the bridegroom of heaven, and the Lord of the Sabbath! Now that is new wine!! From Sunday April 6 2014, Paul Clark

Sunday Apr 13, 2014

Sunday Apr 13, 2014
Popularity or Purpose
Sunday Apr 13, 2014
Sunday Apr 13, 2014
Julie Darveniza leads our kids and adults in a message about Jesus - How did he maintain purpose amidst immense popularity? Is popularity something we should chase, or avoid at all costs?

Wednesday Mar 12, 2014
Wednesday Mar 12, 2014
Wednesday Mar 12, 2014
We have to go back to go forward. Jesus' first words [in Mark], 'The time is now, the Kingdom of God is near, repent and believe the Good news.' These words frame much of Jesus' ministry. They help us make sense of what Jesus says and does. In today's story [Mark 1:21-34] Jesus' teaches with amazing authority, and casts out demons by that same authority. How? Who is this man??

Sunday Mar 02, 2014

Monday Feb 24, 2014
John Prepares
Monday Feb 24, 2014
Monday Feb 24, 2014
After an almighty introduction to the person of Jesus, who should walk on stage but…

Sunday Feb 16, 2014

Wednesday Feb 12, 2014
Intro to Mark!
Wednesday Feb 12, 2014
Wednesday Feb 12, 2014
At Last! In 2014 Redcliffe Uniting Church is going on a life changing journey through the Gospel of Mark, asking, 'How are you Marked by the Gospel?' This is week one, a CSI type profile of 'Mark' the man, err book! Interesting stuff. This gospel, long discarded as the thorn among pearls, it has been rediscovered for it's beauty in the last 150 odd years! How did this vulgar book become Divine?

Wednesday Feb 12, 2014
New Beginnings - Joshua
Wednesday Feb 12, 2014
Wednesday Feb 12, 2014
Chappy Scott Devine joined us at the start of the school year to bring us a message about Joshua and how he was able to be strong and courageous, despite the new things going on around him.

Monday Jan 27, 2014
Leadership - Courage, Character, Christ
Monday Jan 27, 2014
Monday Jan 27, 2014
At our service to commission our leaders for 2014, Paul delivered this inspiring call to leadership.

Monday Jan 27, 2014
Miracles - Natural or SuperNatural
Monday Jan 27, 2014
Monday Jan 27, 2014
Inspired by CS Lewis' book. Are we simply animals, controlled by our instinct. Machines. Or is the supa-natural part of our existence? What could be the greatest miracle? Where could sup a-nature make it's first incursion into nature? Preached by Paul Clark.