
Tuesday Aug 21, 2012
Do Not Steal
Tuesday Aug 21, 2012
Tuesday Aug 21, 2012
This is one commandment a materialistic world get's excited about, well, if they are the ones with the stuff! Do not steal? Why not? Why do people steal? How does Jesus fulfil this command?

Sunday Aug 12, 2012
You shall not murder
Sunday Aug 12, 2012
Sunday Aug 12, 2012
Four words. Four words. Yet they speak to many of the ethical issues of life. War, abortion, IVF, stem cell research. Here is a beginning.

Sunday Aug 05, 2012
Honour your Father and Mother
Sunday Aug 05, 2012
Sunday Aug 05, 2012
Honour your Father and Mother, the first command with a promise. 'I told you kids, you must obey me!' Is that all this command is about? How do we honour our parents throughout our lives?

Monday Jul 30, 2012
The Sabbath
Monday Jul 30, 2012
Monday Jul 30, 2012
What was supposed to be a day of rest, became a day of rigour! Why do most Christians worship on Sunday, is there any reason? Should we strictly rest? What about Sunday trading, etc? Lots to think about.

Thursday Jul 19, 2012
You shall not make an image of the Lord your God
Thursday Jul 19, 2012
Thursday Jul 19, 2012
Often when it comes to the second commandment, we think if we have no stone statues in our houses we have fulfilled this command. But is this command less about making statues of other Gods and more about reducing the Creator down to something from creation? This is a semi-child friendly message!

Sunday Jul 08, 2012
No other Gods
Sunday Jul 08, 2012
Sunday Jul 08, 2012
In our secular society, where God is being squeezed out, where does this command sit? What are the gods of our modern age? Some of them aren't as obvious, and how does Jesus fulfil this command for us?

Wednesday Jul 04, 2012
Introduction to the Ten Commandments
Wednesday Jul 04, 2012
Wednesday Jul 04, 2012
An introduction to the Ten Commandments. Are these 10 Laws for all time, for all people - or something different? Are these laws relevant for Christians saved by Christ? Where do the stone tablets stand for people of the cross? Im many ways a fundamental question for all Christians, often overlooked; how do we understand the law [OT] as people of Grace. This is a beginning.

Sunday Jun 17, 2012
Beloning There
Sunday Jun 17, 2012
Sunday Jun 17, 2012
In the final sermon of our DNA Series we consider what it means to belong to this strange organisation called the Uniting Church of Australia. Um, or should I say, in the tradition of Martin Luther, Hairy the Puppet delivers a sermon called, '8 things I hate about the uniting church.' 'The Best exposition of the Uniting Church I have ever heard.' said one lady. I hope I keep my job.

Monday Jun 11, 2012
Belonging Here
Monday Jun 11, 2012
Monday Jun 11, 2012
What does it mean to belong to a church, the Redcliffe Uniting or any church for that matter? Here is a challenging sermon on the topic.

Friday Jun 08, 2012
Go into Your World
Friday Jun 08, 2012
Friday Jun 08, 2012
Last week we heard an inspiring message about going into the world in the power of the spirit. This week Rob Corrie drills down to give us hints and tips into going into our world, our families, neighbours and work places.

Sunday May 27, 2012
Go into the World, in the Power of the Spirit
Sunday May 27, 2012
Sunday May 27, 2012
Sometimes things align, and I shake my head and think - God is amazing! Today our Redcliffe DNA Preaching topic 'Go into the World' fell on Pentecost, and it couldn't have produced a better message. A new 'way to go'. 'Your best message yet'. I'm humbled when people say so. I hope it is not a 'you had to be there' moment.

Thursday May 24, 2012
Growing in Christ yourself
Thursday May 24, 2012
Thursday May 24, 2012
A great message from Keith Lawson on the discipline of keeping our own relationship alive - working on it ourself.

Monday May 14, 2012
Grow in Christ - Together
Monday May 14, 2012
Monday May 14, 2012
Delivered on Mother's Day, this sermon considers how we need others to help us grow in Christ. It is actually a puppet play and is available at youtube - much better to see it and hear it. www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7WSk4-ZAyg&list=UU4XD-yKpUK_tq43iN1MpHVQ&index=1&feature=plcp Cheers.

Thursday May 10, 2012
Gather to Nurture - We need others
Thursday May 10, 2012
Thursday May 10, 2012
Not only do we need to Gather to Worship, but we need to Gather for mutual support, and to sharpen one another! Brothers and Sisters, love one another, for love is from God! Del by Clive George, Sun 6th May

Sunday Apr 29, 2012
Gather to Worship; we need God
Sunday Apr 29, 2012
Sunday Apr 29, 2012
What is it we are doing when we Gather to worship? Do we really need to do it? How does it help us? An inspiring, challenging vision of worship. Del 29th April by Paul Clark.